It wasn’t long after acquiring our first batch of 6 red cherry shrimp that I started to look for a good way to feed them. I had heard that you can offer them blanched vegetables, like sweet pota...Read More
When setting up our little nano planted aquarium, I wanted to make it home to some shrimp. It was something new and challenging that I had not tried in my previous childhood aquarium. I am so glad tha...Read More
Both the Fluval Spec III and Spec V Aquariums make great homes for Betta fish, otherwise known as Siamese Fighting Fish. Many people make the mistake of keeping their Betta fish in very small, 1 ga...Read More
I was kicking around ways to substitute improved filter media into my Fluval Spec V and found some people in forums suggesting common materials to substitute. Among them were nylon pot scrubbers, scot...Read More
When I was gathering various tubs and containers to use in my aquarium maintenance, I wondered what plastic containers would be suitable and safe to use. I didn’t want a plastic container that...Read More
The first time I read about a Python water changer, I knew it was what I wanted to use for my new aquarium’s maintenance. There are several challenges with performing a water change for your aqu...Read More
The stock filtration system of a Fluval Spec series aquarium comes with three components of filter media. They Share on Facebook Read more......Read More
I have used Seachem’s products in our Fluval Spec V since we built it up. I love their Prime water conditioner and Flourish Excel for plant growth. The one challenge to using their very conc...Read More