It’s that time of year again at Spec-Tanks – I get to post last year’s tank journal. It’s never award-winning journalism, but I hope the detailed view of daily tank upkeep will...Read More
Every year or two (or three) I get the itch to breakdown the planted Spec V aquarium. About a year ago, I went through this process and decided that with all the effort involved in a rescape, I would ...Read More
I’ve discovered CO2 delivery in a high light planted aquarium to be more complex than it appears. When I first assembled and commissioned our paintball CO2 system it seemed like a simple affa...Read More
The past few years, I have taken apart and rescaped our planted aquarium around the new year. I like getting a fresh start and re-setting the tank occasionally and the holidays are a good time to Sh...Read More
Learning how to run a planted aquarium can be daunting at the start. Substrate types, light intensity, light duration, CO2 system, fertilizer dosing, plant selection, plant maintenance . . . on and ...Read More
Our aquarium’s first pressurized CO2 system used an in-tank atomizer to disperse the CO2 in the tank. In-tank diffusers work very well, but they involve having some added equipment in the displa...Read More
I’m always on the lookout for good aftermarket light options for the Fluval Spec V. I have for many years used the Finnex Fugeray Planted+ light on our Spec V and it has been excellent for our...Read More
I have wondered how long you can go in a planted aquarium before you need to rescape. It is definitely less than two years. I know this because that is how long our Share on Facebook Read mo...Read More