One of the adventures in starting our saltwater nano aquarium was figuring out tank maintenance. I have experience with our freshwater planted Spec V, but it seemed I had a lot to learn regarding na...Read More
I recently finished an article detailing the water change pump system I put together. It goes through the in’s and out’s of how I built it, but I wanted a compliment write-up to detail how...Read More
Water changes for our Spec V Aquarium have been performed using a home-brew ‘Python’ type water changer. This was perfect for our old house, where the sink was very close (a few feet) to ...Read More
The first time I read about a Python water changer, I knew it was what I wanted to use for my new aquarium’s maintenance. There are several challenges with performing a water change for your aqu...Read More
Everyone manages the maintenance and cleaning of their aquarium differently, but I thought it would be helpful to go over the basics of maintaining our Freshwater Fluval Spec V. This should apply to...Read More