Very early in planning for our Fluval EVO 13.5 build, I knew a replacement lid solution would need to be found. While the stock EVO 13.5 lid is adequate for many setups, it has a few deal-breaking c...Read More
Several Fluval AIO (All In One) aquariums have featured a patterned decal of sorts on the tank exterior. These are usually to obscure equipment or, on newer models, to hide water stains/deposits at ...Read More
Water changes for our Spec V Aquarium have been performed using a home-brew ‘Python’ type water changer. This was perfect for our old house, where the sink was very close (a few feet) to ...Read More
My first step in automating our Spec V aquarium was to add a Leviton timer to control the light on/off cycles. It worked well, but I started to wish for something easier to adjust / program. Also, I...Read More
One of the more popular pages on this site is the instructional on how to build your own temperature controller using a relay type device like the STC-1000 or the Inkbird ITC-1000. The final bulid i...Read More
The first time I read about a Python water changer, I knew it was what I wanted to use for my new aquarium’s maintenance. There are several challenges with performing a water change for your aqu...Read More
As I was researching what heater to put in our Fluval Spec V aquarium, I dutifully came across many grim reviews for various heaters that told of failures where the internal thermostat broke in the ...Read More